Wednesday, June 11, 2008

A different day!

Hi everyone! Today was a kind of interesting day!

As I said last night we were supposed to go to Vern's for breakfast and then up to the Ranch, well, the weather was kind of crappy up there and so we got a call early this morning that we would meet at the classroom at 9am. Well, this gave me a few hours to kill so I finished up my Business Plan for business class... hrm, imagine that!... on Friday morning and then we were off.

We started out in the classroom and watched a video with a couple (one in particular) amazing horse(s), one day I really want my Copper to be able to do the moves the horse in the video did! It was Sara's Birthday today and we wrote "Happy Birthday" on the board and sang to her when she came in the classroom this morning! She was very surprised, and we all must thank Karen for the flowers she brought for Sara.

A little later in the morning we decided to go the Ranch we go to alot of the time because it is close and we were all itching to get our hands on some horses. We worked on one horse in the morning before lunch. I had another Sombrero horse today he was kind of neat, and we think that he has a little bit of "string halt" (a muscular disease) developing in his hind legs so he was very appreciative of me working on his hindquarters. He also really liked having his head worked on, he was kind of sad and had a tear drop in his eye when I first got him and once I started working on him he really understood that I was trying to help him. He was a very sweet boy!

For lunch we all (most of the class) went over to "The Great Wall" chinese buffet for lunch again (we had gone there once before as well). The food is really good there and I still can't get over how cheap some restaurants are here!

After lunch we went back to the ranch and worked on one horse each. I had a horse who was very into having one spot on his neck scratched and he would cock his neck really funny and get right into it. I think that he had a bite where it was really itchy because there was a little bump and when I was done scratching the bump was a little smaller! When we were working on the horses in the afternoon all of a sudden there was a very large gust of wind and dust storms all around so we quickly put the horses away so nobody got hurt and called it a day!

We came right home after school and then Sue (one of the ladies from our class) called me up and asked if I would like to go to the tack store in Lafayette (a town) today instead of Saturday, seeing as we had a few hours to kill! The store was beautiful, I drove and Chelsea, Sue, Barrymore (Sue's dog), and I all had a fun mini roadtrip! I bought a very nice padded saddle pad for my ponies - it is white and big and very nice, I think that my saddle will fit with it well :) as well as a DVD video of the horse in motion - this is one of those where they draw the bones on the horse and then have it to movements so you can see how the bones actually move. I haven't watched it yet but as soon as I stop blabbering I will get on it!!!

Tomorrow we are going to meet at McDonalds for breakfast at 7am and then off we will go to another Ranch out East. This is the one where they feed us an amazing lunch!!! It will also be good to get my hands on some other horses!

Have a great night everyone, sorry there are no pictures - my picture taker Casey was missing today... we really missed her! I will be sure to try and get some tomorrow!

Much Love

Love Sara XXO

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