Wednesday, June 18, 2008

What do you mean... there's only a day and a half left!!??

Good evening! Hope everyone had another good day...
Today was interesting for me as usual! We started off the day at Vern's having some JYMUNGOUS! pancakes...See, I told ya!!We went up to the Ranch about 8:30 and arrived there at 9 ready to work. First we started the morning giving our own demo's. Almost all of us... not me... were asked to show the class a way of working on an area of the horse. This was really neat because even though we were all taught exactly the same things we all have a completely different way of working with the horses. It was nice to see these ways to think of new ways to work with our own "clients!"

After we were done with the demos we each gathered a horse and got a chance to work on them for about an hour. I worked with Scooter - he is about 13.2 hands tall and is totally cute as a button... and about a mile wide! I enjoyed working with him but was having trouble keeping his attention when I went to work on his back end so this was a challenge but I think that I succeded and was very happy!

We had lunch on the log in the sun... kinda! and then it was back to work on another horse. I worked with Red in the afternoon. He was off in a pen by himself because he has some "girls" that are his and only his and when he was on the pavement slab he paced so much that he wore his feet off until they almost bled... what boys will do for girls! I worked with him in his own little pen and he was alright. The wrangler girl told me he also has a lack of manners so this was interesting to work with! I was excited to see that he enjoyed having his hindquarters worked on because I felt that he would really need it!

Red had an itch when I took the one above!!!!

Tomorrow we get to go to a new Ranch we haven't been to yet, it is down South. I can't believe it... only 1 1/2 more days!!! we have a full day tomorrow and then we will get off at about noon on Friday!! As much as I want more time with the horses... I really don't think I would be able to concentrate Friday afternoon... my family will be here!!! YAY!

Love You all!! I can't believe I will be back on Canadian soil hopefully by Tuesday or Wednesday!! and back in my cozy bed!!! And I will get to try all of this amazing and powerful stuff out on my horses and others!!!

See you all really soon!!!

Have a great night... talk AT you tomorrow!!

Love Sara XXO

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Our last Tuesday!!

Hi Everyone! Today was a day of lasts!

This morning we had our final (last!!) Business class with Michael where we finished up some things (scripts) and also presented our 5 minute presentations to the class! I decided last minute last night that I wanted to do a power point presentation and it took just over a half hour to put it together last night!! It turned out really good! I think we all did really good jobs!!! Everyone's presentations were different and very informative!

This afternoon we had our final (last!!) Quieting and Handling class with Rick and Crystaal.. :( It went really well and I was very excited because I got to work more on the leading aspect today with Crystaal! The first time I tried to do it it was a total disaster, but I got through it! But the second and expecially the third time I was rocking! I was really proud of myself. Between the first and second times Crystaal went over it once with Song (the pony) and I was able to pick up some suttelites from what she was doing and I found it a lot easier when I tried it the next time!!! Yay for me!!! I can't wait to get home and work with Copper!!!!

Asking Song to come to me!

Going over the Bridge!

Asking Song to back into the straight stall.

Asking Song to back into the stall

Asking Song to back into the corner stall

Getting ready to walk through the noodles!

Walking through the noodles!!

Sidepassing over the rail.

Tonight the class is going out for our final "Class Dinner". We are going to the Rock Bottom Brewery again as it is Tuesday and if you order a beer you get a free glass! And we like the food too - I guess!!!

Tomorrow we are going to the Ranch that is up North West of here way up at high altitude.. the best part is that we get to go to Vern's for breakfast and get some killer big Pancakes... I will take pictures... I promise!

Have a great night! Much Love

Love Sara XXO

Sunday, June 15, 2008

One of these things is not like the others...

Hey! So we have a theme going in class, but I think it would do better justice to show you an example than to try to explain it!

One of these things is not like the others, one of these things just doesn't belong... in Business class almost 2 weeks ago now we were looking at our posters we made and Michael was telling us about things that don't belong! (hence the picture!!)

I took some pictures of the flowers in front of my apartment yesterday, I thought they were beautiful and reminded me of home!

Today Chelsea and I spent the day at the pool, it was kind of cloudy... and went out for dinner to our ultimate favorite Mexican Restaurant! yum, yum!!
Tomorrow is school as usual... 5 days to go!!! We are in the classroom all day so I have prayed for Rain!!!
Have a great night everyone, happy father's day dad!
Love Sara XXO