Saturday, May 31, 2008

Saturday school day!

Hi everyone! So I was a really bad girl and didn't leave you anything amazing to read last night... scold me later!

Yesterday was a very busy day, we started in the classroom with Business in the morning and in the afternoon we went up to a lady's house that is a friend of our teachers, this was nice because she had some very interesting horses! One who had broken withers, one with a capped elbow, one with myositis ossificans, one with a large varicose vein on his face and one really grumpy one!!! It was neat to see how different horses are and what they look like when they are dealing with different ailments! Dispite all of the aliments all of the horses moved very well and they were very happy and chubby!

In the evening a group of us (8) went to the "Cracker Barrel" restaurant for dinner, it was really good and Cat had never been there and she really really liked her steak!!! After dinner we all went up to the "Sundance Saloon" in Fort Collins to wetch the Bull Riding, King of the Ring and Mutton Busting! This is one of those backyard rodeos! They actually set a ring out in the middle of the dirt parking lot and let er roll! It was really fun, especially when they found out that our group was from all over the world! The rodeo clown was very intrigued!

So this is why I didn't have time to blog... so get off my back!!!!!1

Today we had school because we had Monday off for Memorial Day. We started off at the ranch with horses and worked on one horse each, and we were only allowed to work on the haunches - to get more with the horse and explore, I really enjoyed this!

Here I am working on Willy this morning.

This afternoon we were at a local Saddle Maker's house/shop where he custom makes saddles! This was very interesting and amazing, much like when we were up at Brian's (the farrier's), I always really enjoy myself when we do interesting things like this, I really like to be able to see how I can connect each of these concepts!

The most interesting part about this was that when I was working at K & K Karen taught me about saddle rigging and craftsmanship so it was neat to apply that! And thankfully it was all right!!!!

Tomorrow I am having a veg day! I have to finish a poster for Monday's business class and work a little more on some other things. The weather has been really beautiful so hopefully Chelsea and I will get to catch some rays and play some water volleyball! We did some this afternoon and I seemed to get better as we progressed!

Have a great night and rest of the weekend, much love

Love Sara XXO

Thursday, May 29, 2008

A doubly good day!

Today was our first beautiful weather day in quite a while! And we got to go to a new Ranch today!! Double good!

This morning we started off meeting at McDonald’s and then we all followed Sara and Michael to the Ranch. These horses were a little different than the others we have worked on, they were a little more active and such, it was a nice change!
The first horse I had was a really cute little young one… I still want to go back, pack her up and take her home! When I first took her out of the field she was really quiet and very responsive to my questions through the lead rope, I actually second guessed myself and thought that she was an older horse – she was just too good!!!

When we got the horses is the arena and started working I realized that I was in for a challenge. She was very willing but was very cunning and knew how to work me! Sara came over and helped me out a bit and I was actually able to get a lot done with her, I really feel that I grew a lot today by working on her – we really hit it off! It was a lot of following and eventually I gained her trust and attention and was able to work on her shoulder and spine, I only worked on her rump from the side as I didn’t quite trust her feet. She really liked having me work under her tail and I seemed to get a lot of her attention when I was working there. I really like her!!!!
The second horse I worked on was also a bit of a challenge… they all look so innocent in the field… then you get them in the arena and it is a whole different situation! I had a lot of trouble getting her to settle and getting her attention, but I took the ideas Sara had shown me earlier and applied them to this horse and she started to come around. Little did I know that she was actually a mom looking for her baby! She kept looking to the door and pacing around me, it wasn’t until I actually looked under her tummy and saw that she had large girl parts – and not boy parts – that I realized that she might be looking for a baby! Considering she was scanning for a child while I was working on her, I was very impressed how gentle she was with me until I – the naive human – finally figured out what she searching for, I was even able to get her attention for a few minutes, despite the other things!
That takes us to lunch time – we were lucky enough to be served a home cooked meal for lunch by the people who own the Ranch! This was very generous! This afternoon we worked on one more horse each and the first one I picked out was not feeling very well so I let her go and ended up with Pistol, he was a really big Chestnut that was kind of tired because he had been working all day! He gave me some confidence to work on the haunches and he was very responsive and really enjoyed it! He was also really happy to let me work on his neck! He was very calm and supportive!
Overall today was one of the best “horse working” days I have had since I got here, they are all good, but I have a few that really stick out for me and I will hold them close for a long time! I am really greatful for the horses that we are able to work on to perfect our craft, I think I will go back home with a whole new outlook! You really take “quiet” horses for granted until you realize that they all aren’t like that! The one ranch we go to a lot has some of the best teachers I have ever met!
Have a great night everyone, much love
Love Sara XXO

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Today was another one of those wet days!

We were supposed to be at the Ranch this morning, but it was raining so we went to the
classroom and chatted until noon and then headed over!

For lunch our whole class and teacher (except 1 person) went to the chinese food buffet that is near our apartments, the food was really good and they had amazing desserts! I still can't get over how cheap most restaurants are here, is was about $6.95 per person for lunch!

At the Ranch we worked up at one of the back pastures this afternoon. They just brought up a few horses from the winter pastures ready for the summer work. I still can't get over how 16 people can walk into a field full of about 30 horses and they walk right up to us, practically volunteering for a massage! It is almost surreal!

We worked on two horses each this afernoon, the first we worked on the whole body and the little gelding that I had was very kind and loved his massage! I am starting to feel quite comfortable with everything and I just let my intuition tell me where to go! His neck was very stuck so I had to do some very slow work with him there and eventually he was able to move a little better... he still needs some work though!

The second horse we worked on with the goal of getting and keeping their attention and quieting them down. I had was a big gray gelding, he was kind of standoffish and shy in the beginning but as I got further along working on his neck and asking him to give to me (release his neck and head down and bring his head around to the side), he started to come around and in the end e was very happy and really wanted to lead up free and be with me. This was enjoyable! Even with the little time I spent with him I could tell he gained some understanding and really enjoyed himself, and I as well!

Tomorrow we get to go to a new Ranch out East, we have to leave home at 6am!!! AAAAHHHHHH! Usually the only time I ever get up before 6 is if I am going on a really fancy dancy trip or something... hint hint hint... but since this involves horses I will be there early!!!

Have a great night everyone, Much love

Love Sara XXO

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Are there any other days rather than WET here?

Hi everyone! Tonight will be a short one, I have to shower and look over some things for tomorrow.
This morning we had Pat teaching us some self exercises (to help get us centered and prepared for our goals for the next 4 weeks!!! Oh my gosh, only 4 more weeks!)
This afternoon we were at Rick’s and we worked with the ponies again, my group was in the round pen and the other half of the students were in the arena with Crystal. Michal was not feeling well and so we were split into 2 groups today instead of 3, hope you feel better soon!
For the later hour of the class we watched a Pat Parelli video, he is very amazing – I seem to understand the things that Rick is teaching to us, and they appear similar.
Some of the things that he did in the video seemed a little silly or hokey, but if they work they work! I can’t wait to get home and work on my Copper!!
Tomorrow we are at one of the Ranch’s, hopefully it will be nice out!
I will post pictures as soon as I can get some… it was another miserable rainy day today…
Much love, have a great night
Love Sara XXO

Monday, May 26, 2008

Lazy Monday!

Hello Everyone!

Today was a very lazy Monday. The rain poured, and poured, and poured... oh, and poured!

I spent most of the day on the computer and finished up my laundery. This afternoon we made a quick trip up to Fort Collins to a specialty food store to get some Greek Yogurt (Chelsea was making a Greek Salad!)

And a couple more pictures from my birthday night:

We were on a tricycle!

We were terrorizing K Mart... something I have always wanted to do... but unfortunatly they found out and no longer exist in Canada!!!

This one is for Mom... Red Hatters anyone?? And yes, I did eat my dessert first!

It was a pinwheel alright...

Cat told the weird people that were looking at us that quote: "We got her for a good price!"

Walgreens anyone?? And I am holding the token, "Bag O' Undies"!!!!

This evening we all swapped "Wendy Woo" CD's and added them to our library's on our computers -- and we have been what I call "Wendy Wooified" today listening to her all day! What an amazing lady she is!

Tomorrow we are at the classroom for the morning and then we are at Rick's in the afternoon -- my favorite class! I think I will have to take up a little more active role in horse training when I get home - I am really enjoying myself!

Have a great night everyone, Pray that the rain stops for me! and that I a not wading through puddles all day at Rick's!

Oh... look.... the rain just started again!!! No joke!!!

Good Night everyone, talk to you tomorrow!

Ciao Bella

Love Sara XXO

Sunday, May 25, 2008

A Birthday and A Bash!

May 24th 2008, A good birthday…

Yesterday turned out to be a really good day, first thing in the morning I awoke to find a “HAPPY BIRTHDAY” banner in the living room!

Later that morning, after numerous phone calls, I had some beautiful flowers delivered from my parents… not actually “delivered” by my mommy and daddy, but the next best!

For dinner Cat, Chelsea and I went to “Biaggio’s,” an Italian restaurant just on the east side of I-25. Dinner was great and Dessert was even better, White Chocolate Raspberry Cheesecake!

Cat really liked hers... can't you tell???

And after dinner… We created a little thing called “Gary”!!!!

Gary is Cat's Car!

Today we went down to Boulder, about 1 hour South East of Loveland, for the Boulder Creek Festival. This is a street festival that is on once a year on Memorial weekend. They had lots of street venders, food stands, and a live band! The best part was that the band that was playing was “The Wendy Woo” Band, the leader, Wendy, was the lady that helped us out with our Rhythm class about 2 weeks ago. It was nice to see her again!

This afternoon we sunned ourselves by the pool and then made a trip to Safeway for dinner ingredients for the week.

For dinner we had Hot Dogs on the B-B-Q and then watched “Meet The Fockers.” The best part of the evening was the little friend who stopped by just after dinner.

This is a baby Humming Bird!

Have a good night everyone, safe work tomorrow, love ya!

Ciao Bella

Love Sara XXO