Friday, June 6, 2008

It's Friday!!!

Hi everyone! Hope this week went well for all of you... it went well for me, knowing that I will be coming home in 2 weeks!!!! Oh My Gosh! 2 Weeks!

I know, I can't believe it either! Today was very interesting, again, like yesterday, and we started off the day in the classroom and went to the ranch this afternoon. It was a different ranch experience looking at different horse's symmetry, gait, conformation, etc. lots of things!

Tomorrow I am going up to Dr. Ruth's neighbours house to see her and some horses they have there! They have a baby (11 days old) Lucitano/Pony cross and I think I might want to bring her home with me!!! Dr. Ruth is also Artificially Inseminating a mare and I think that this would be something interesting to see! Everyone in our class was invited, but I am the only one able to make it! Oh well... more for me to learn!

I am off to be now, early and long day driving and such tomorrow. I will take lots of picutres of the little filly (her name is Pixie) and post them all tomorrow evening!

Have a great night everyone, party hard on Friday!!! Much Love

Love Sara XXO

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Information Overolad!

Happy Thursday everyone! Today was a very interesting day! We were in the classroom with Ruth Sorensen, she is a vet and was teaching us about aliments and such in horses!

It was very interesting to see things from a veterinary perspective and I was excited to be able to apply more of my human massage knowledge to today’s lecture!

We were able to see some pictures of Ruth’s horses on her computer this afternoon and she has a very beautiful Stallion. On Saturday we are all invited to her house to watch her artificially inseminate another mare and I don’t know who will be going… but I am for sure! I really want to watch and to see one of the little filly’s she has there, I am quite interested in her!

Have a great night everyone, sorry this is so short, I am tired! We are going to the ranch tomorrow afternoon with Ruth and hopefully!! Fingers crossed, I will be able to take some pictures!

Much love,

Love Sara XXO

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Bye Bye Anatomy!

Good evening! This morning we started out at the Ranch and worked on one horse each, after Sara showed us a demo on one of the horses we have been looking at for a few weeks now, he has some issues but is doing a lot better!

Today was our last day of Anatomy and we went over our final exams (in class) and then each had an oral practical part with our teacher and a horse! It all went very well and everyone did exceptional! We again worked on how to talk to a client/customer about the different muscles and it was really helpful, once again!!!

To celebrate our amazing feat 9 of our 14 went out for dinner at the Rock Bottom Brewery, it was very good and I had myself a real nice piece of "Psoas" Muscle for dinner... known to you "not so educated folks" as "Filet Mignon"!!!! It just sounds so much better when it is called the latter!!!

On Tuesdays at the Brewery when you order a Beer you get a glass as well and we were teasing our waiter about it and he brought a few of us glasses after our dinner! My glass has "Lumpy Dog Light Lager" on it, with a cute picture of a Bull Dog! I will have to take a picture of it (or maybe even get a glass) for Marty, Mom!!!!

Tomorrow we are starting our Pathology class, it will be for the next 2 days in class!!! 14 hours STAIGHT of Pathology!!!! AAAHHHHHHH! It should go fast and well, I am actually quite excited!!

Anywho, have a great night everyone, I hear the the weather is nice there... It is raining here... yet again!!!

Much Love

Love Sara XXO

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

I'm slacking!!

I mean that I am slacking on the blogging, only because school is quite busy this last few days! I didn't make a post last night because we were given our Anatomy final to take home, it is due tomorrow, and I was hard at work on it! School was good, we were in the classroom all day (this is yesterday) and had Business in the morning and Anatomy in the afternoon. We discussed our posters that we made in Business and I ended up being really happy with mine!

In Anatomy we went to the ranch for the last hour of class and went over muscles on real horses! This is always really fun! I was "itching" the horses belly! He was very happy with me!

Today we were at the ranch in the morning, it was really neat. We were working really quitely on some Cranio-Sacral type work and it was really intense! Some of the horses even laid down because they were so in to it! At one point all of us just stopped and let them be... imagine that, 15 horses in the middle of an arena all loose and loving it! They were all in a sort of "trance"!

It was really an eye opener to see how directly our work does affect the horses, it's easy to say that it works, but being able to witness 3 horses laying down one after another and all the others stretching and yawning and relaxing was really a unique site!

I have just finished my Anatomy final... this is to justify why I am writing a blog when it is due tomorrow!!! We are at the ranch in the morning and then have Anatomy in the afternoon.

All day Thursday and Friday we are in the classroom learning Pathology! This should be really interesting... long... but interesting none the less!

Have a great night everyone, much love, night~

Love Sara XXO

Sunday, June 1, 2008

A one day weekend...

Today was a LAZY day!!! It was a beautiful weather day as well and Chelsea and I went to the pool this afternoon to catch some rays… unfortunately they were very strong rays and I got a little burnt! It should be ok though… once I burn then it turns to tan!

Later this afternoon we went and returned the mug that I bought from K Mart (it had cracked in the freezer), I just exchanged it for another one, yay!

After K Mart we headed over to Safeway to stock up on some eats for the week! We ordered Pizza from Domino’s for dinner and finished our posters for Business class tomorrow morning. ( I had to go to Kinko’s to get mine printed)

I talked to Mom and Dad this morning and mom said that she wanted to see some more pictures on the Blog from the previous weeks so here goes!

Me lunging Liw on Tuesday May 20th, she was blindfolded!! Just before this she was lunging me!

Lunging the fence after lunging Liw! It was to practice and make sure we are ready to work with real animals! I'm pretty good at it! May 20th

Watching the Wendy Woo concert Sunday May 25th.

Wendy signing my CD after the concert!!

Lookin over the fence in to the pasture on May 28th.

Chelsea, Karen and I in the field before catching the horses on Wednesday May 28th.

One of the horse's I worked on May 28th.

Chelsea and I on Thursday May 29th takin a break just after lunch!

This is Me and Mabelline on Friday May 30 in our Movement Class... they told me after that we were actually supposed to be watching horses!! Who knew!

Hope you enjoy the pictures! Have a great night everyone. I will be in the classroom tomorrow so maybe at lunch I will take some pictures!

Much love!

Love Sara XXO