Wednesday, May 7, 2008

May 7 2008

Today we were working in the class room all day and the weather was a little chilly. First thing this morning it was really really hard to get up!!! We started class at 8 am with Business where we started to do some work on target markets and such.

For lunch we had sort of an indoor "picnic" while we sat and chatted about random things... "Roo's" - which are Kangaroo's, we learned all about running into them when driving a car in Australia from Cat! This was particularly interesting, among other things (animals...).

After lunch we had Anatomy where we talked about more muscles and had to pick 2 muscles from all that we have covered so far and explore how to approach explaining to a client the way that they work and affect what they are doing to their horse or the way they are riding them. It seems kind of confusing, but it was a really fun way to learn how to approach speaking with a client!

For dinner Cat made us Chili something or other... I can't remember, or pronounce the name she called it... but it was really good!

After I ate and we all did the dishes, I headed over to Safeway -- we needed milk, anda baguette to finish up the amazing Bruschetta I made for the pot luck we had on Sunday!

I think I will call my Kyle and then I will probably just head off to bed!!! I was only able to get one picture today, so I will get more tomorrow and then hopefully I will be able to post some tomorrow night!

Tomorrow we are going to a Dressage Barn to work on Rhythm, a lady is coming in who is a musician and she will be helping us to understand rhythm in regards to horses and such. In the afternoon we are having our first "Movement" class where we are able to apply the skills and muscles we learn about in Anatomy to the way the horse moves in realtion to what it is doing and if the muscles are sore and such! Everything is interrelated!

Have a wonderful night, hopefully I will post again tomorrow... but I don't know... Grey's Anatomy is on tomorrow night so.... just kidding, I will see what I can do!

Ciao for now! I miss you all LOTS!!!!

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