Sunday, May 11, 2008

Elmo Died in our Dryer :(

So he didn't really die, per say... but i'll get to that later!
Today was a good day... but before I forget -- Happy Mom's Day Mom!!!! I love you!
I started off the morning making dessert for tonight, Dessert Cheese Ball (similar to cheescake, but not really!) and then before we knew it we had to leave for out Trail Ride out at one of the Ranches where we work on their horses! The day couldn't have been more perfect with a little breeze and bright sun!

We arrived at the ranch at 11:30am and after a little while of searching (you would think we would know where everything was, seeing as we are there the majority of our time right now...) we found the office to pay for our ride and we were off!
Because we had all ridden before we were allowed to pick out our own horse to ride, I picked Linda (see below).
When we started the ride I realized that I had forgotten my memory card for my camera so I am a bit limited in the picture department this evening...
We stopped at the top of the hill to take a group photo before we started on the trail...

From Left to Right: Jessica, Heidi, Chelsea, Karen, Me, Sue, Cat, Kimi and Joe.

The ride took us through the back side of the ranch area, there was alot of rock on the trail and Linda sometimes had trouble tripping over rocks, but we managed! We went up and down the hills through the west side of the "Hill" we were on -- being from Canada, I can not constitute this a "Mountain"... everything was very beautiful and picturesque!
We returned from the ride just after 1pm (the ride took us for just over 1 hour), This is the ending pic I took of me and Linda. By 1:20 we were in the car on the way home. Chelsea drove for us today, and Laura will be driving to school this week, we are taking turns!

When we got home we madly cleaned the house (I vacuumed, Chelsea cleaned the bathroom...) we had to get ready for our big shindig this evening... with the Onions hosting... we had to make it a royal treat (when hosting Diva's, everything has to be royal!!!), the Onions is an inside joke... don't worry about it!

Everyone came over around 5pm and we had more food than we ever could have imagined! Some one must have given all of us the same dinner desire, because when 8 people from 3 different houses decided to make Chile... well, you get the drift! Everything was amazing and getting to chat and get to know everyone even more was really nice as well!

Above Left: is Jessica, Cat, Joe and Heidi in the background getting ready to eat!
Above Right: Jessica, Lew, Heidi, Kimi and Joe chowing down!!!
It was really nice to have everyone over! For dessert we were spoiled by Lemon Merangue (I can't spell that..) Pie, Cheese Ball, and Rick came and brought us Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream!!! We are soo lucky!!

Now, about Elmo...

Chelsea washed all her sheets and blankets off her bed today and put them in the dryer when our company was here. After everyone left she went to take them out of the dryer and there was all this red fuzzy lint literally EVERYWHERE in, and out, of the dryer!
So the fate of Elmo is uncertain at this hour, but our garbage pail has a really beautiful shade of red in it!!!
I guess this is what starts to happen when you have lived with people for 2 weeks and you don't have a TV... just wait for another 6 weeks...
Anywho, have a great night everyone, and happy Monday tomorrow morning... I will hopefully post again tomorrow night!

Ciao for now!

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